What Is B+?

B+ is a supplement based on scientific knowledge, which enables honey bees a quick source of immediately useable energy.

It is a 100% natural preparation within which wheat bran, beer yeast, etheric oil, cinnamon and dextrose are mixed together. It contains lecithin, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, natural protein, betaine, vitamins and minerals.

Why B+?

B+, aside from acting as an antidepressant and an antioxidant, contributes significantly to:

  • faster development of honey bee colonies;
  • better wintering;

  • a longer lifespan;
  • easier production of queen bees, bee swarms and wax;
  • a bigger honey yield;
  • a stronger immunity;
  • the creation of a quality fat-protein body;
  • the creation of the cell membrane;
  • the proper functioning of cells and organs.

Now that you’re familiar with the numerous benefits of using B+ on a regular basis, let’s elaborate on how this unique supplement creates them, as well as why it’s, in this day and age, practically impossible to achieve and maintain the optimal development of honey bee colonies without the continuous use of proper additives.


Oxidative Stress = the Modern-Day Silent Killer


Honey bees are, just like people, conducive to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs due to the body’s diminished antioxidative protection ability to neutralize the production of free radicals which are formed as a consequence of suffering from stress, and which lead to biomechanical, structural and functional disorders. The sources of stress can be internal, such as inflammations and injuries, and external, such as unfavorable weather conditions, malnutrition, smoke, radiation and others.

When it comes to honey bees, something as seemingly simple as opening a beehive represents a stressful situation. Not to mention the troubling weather conditions caused by global warming, and manifested in the form of frequent droughts and heavy rains, food shortages and subpar nature’s food, which leads to honey bees remaining hungry, even after pastures!

The repercussions of this kind of state of affairs are: a diminished level of activity in honey bees due to lack of energy, weakened immune system, compromised resistance to viruses and diseases, shorter lifespan and smaller honey yield. 


B+ = a 100% Natural Protector of and Booster for Honey Bees


B+ represents the perfect combination of all necessary ingredients for the optimal development of honey bees! It is completely natural and its composition is the most similar to that of pollen! Unlike the other available nutrition supplements for honey bees, B+ contains, along with protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals, fats!

Why is this important? Because not only do fats (of course, in combination with the aforementioned ingredients) provide honey bees with a huge source of immediately useable energy, but they also “coat” the inside of their bodies, making them more active, stronger, more resistant to viruses and diseases, long-lived and more productive (10% - 15% per beehive)! Moreover, beekeepers report that, as soon as they open a packaging of B+, their honey bees go right at the compound, which we’ve witnessed ourselves at numerous outdoor beekeeping fairs and during frequent visits to apiaries.

The best testament to how well B+ has performed in the field, on a sample of several thousand beehives throughout the Balkan region, is the fact that, despite thoroughly conducted clinical trials, additional positive effects have been reported by beekeepers. That’s, for example, how we now reliably know that B+ eliminates 60% - 90% of chalkbrood, as well as prevents nosemosis from being spread!


The Most Frequently Asked Questions Regarding B+


1. How often should I use B+?

During every feeding!

In fact, the regular use of B+ is necessary for optimal results. B+ is easily added to both sugar cake and syrup, which makes it simple to use.


2. How long should I use B+?

For as long as you feed your honey bees!

In order to maintain the benefits of B+, the continuous use of the supplement is necessary.


3. Where is the best place to store B+?

In a closet, at room temperature.

Keeping it in the sun is not recommended.


4. If I open a packaging of B+, but don’t empty it, will the remaining compound go bad?

No, it will not!

All you have to do is fold the end of the packaging which you’ve opened, place a clip over the folded part, and put the packaging back in the closet.


5. What are the leftover crumbs which appear sometimes, after adding B+ to syrup?


It’s a normal occurrence for suspensions. All the nutrients that the honey bees need and ingest get dissolved.


6. What should I do when a small amount of the compound remains in the feeder?

Just remove the partition.

The honey bees will do the rest.


7. How do I measure 1g of the compound?

Use a teaspoon as an indicator.

Go by that a level teaspoon contains around 5g of the compound.


8. Will it hurt the honey bees if I give them more than 1g of the compound per l/kg?

No, it will not!

In fact, it’s advisable to add 2g of the compound to 1kg of sugar cake for the purpose of having your honey bees come out of the winter as strong as possible.


9. How much of a honey yield increase can I expect per beehive with B+?

10% - 15%!

It is a piece of data we’ve acquired via yearslong observation of the effects of B+.


10. How long is the expiration period for B+?

2 years, from the production date.

Every packaging of B+ has a production date printed on it.


The scientific testing of B+ was carried out at The University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. You can order B+ via the e-mail address and the phone numbers on our contact page which also contains a form for instant ordering of the supplement.

How Is B+ Administered?

B+ is very simple to use - 1g of the supplement is added to 1l of freshly made sugar syrup or 1kg of sugar cake.

Although raw material leftovers in the form of crumbs can appear in the syrup, there’s nothing to worry about as this is a normal occurrence in the case of every suspension.